Jan 4Liked by Rachelle Robinett, RH (AHG)

Hi Rachelle,

You posted on instagram about Herbs and Detox and what people want to know about. I have a lot of questions regarding this ;) Do different substances get detoxed differently ie. mold versus heavy metals? Do you always need a binder if not, when do you need a binder? Best way to detox heavy metals? If you are overburdened with heavy metals, where do they reside? are they floating in our blood, are they accumulating in the brain? Do different toxins get removed differently? Like does mold get removed by sweat but not urination? Would LOVE a deep dive on this topic :) Thanks as always for all you share!

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Carolyn hi! Oh my gosh I had your question open in a tab this whole time and just saw that I hadn't yet replied. I'm sorry! Adding this all to the queue and will answer it fully right away. Thanks for asking, and for your patience!

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Jan 20Liked by Rachelle Robinett, RH (AHG)

lol, it’s all good! You got a lot going on, take your time! 😊

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Jan 3·edited Jan 3Liked by Rachelle Robinett, RH (AHG)

Hi Rachael, Happy new year! I was curious if in previous episodes you have talked about what you did when you go covid. For example, I have Mullein tea, Quercetin and Zinc. Are there other herbal remedies that you leaned into while you had it that you found to be helpful? Thank you!

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Jan 2Liked by Rachelle Robinett, RH (AHG)

Happy New Year! I’d really like to know anything/everything you can tell me about Inositol. An endocrinologist recommended it to me at 2,000mg daily to help manage symptoms of daily stress. Thanks so much!!

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You've got it! Added to the queue and will be diving in!

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Hi! I'll mention this in an upcoming post too, but what I found when I had Covid was that essentially nothing I could do in the moment was going to make much of a difference. Rather, it was all about what shape my body was in going into that battle. And it was a battle! I don't think I've ever been sicker. That said, here are some good resources. (There is also a lot more information on helpful herbs now. Back then, it was all speculation and best guesses!) "Some herbal products such as Gymnanthemum, amygdalinum, Azadirachta indica, Nigella sativa, and Eurycoma longifolia can be used. On the other hand, numerous herbal drugs such as G. glabra, Thymus vulgaris, Allium sativum, Althea officinalis, and ginseng may become effective in the preventive and supportive management of COVID-19 through boosting the immune system." — https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8519661/

"Use of herbal supplements for COVID-19" <- scroll to this section: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9985929/

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